True Doctor Who fans may hate me for saying this, but I was one of those philistines who only watched the show when David Tennant was the star (with apologies to Peter Capaldi) (but Peter Capaldi was definitely more of a Whovian).
So you can imagine how excited I was to learn that the BBC had published multiple scripts for the show into the BBC Script Library, leading to multiple discoveries among Whovians about possible episodes .
For example, a deleted scene from season 4, episode 8, “Silence in the Library” shows an unaired moment between the Doctor and Donna.
what happens?
The Doctor and Donna talk in the TARDIS about a trip to a beach with “intelligent sand”.
According to the doctor, “After a dip, you feel dry and refreshed.''
At night I put away the candy sticks and in the morning I remember sandcastles. And you can go right back to swimming after eating. ”
Of course, this magical-sounding beach has its downsides. “Just once a year, Beach gets hungry and dissolves all the living things in protein slime and drinks it. But if you keep an eye on the date, you can have fun,” the Doctor told Donna.
However, the duo's conversation is interrupted when the Doctor receives a worrying message in a psychic paper, and the topic changes from beaches to books. “What do you need for the beach?” I need a book. ”
Doctors say the message he wrote in the newspaper was the first he had received in a long time.
They then head to the library where the rest of the episode takes place, where fans meet River Song for the first time.
I appreciate that they had to streamline the episode, and that what was aired was formative for the Doctor. But am I the only one who really wanted the Whoniverse to be expanded by just one more Psychopath Beach?!