Actors Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur were recently spotted attending an event in Mumbai. In a picture shared by India Signing Hands on his X account, the couple can be seen posing for clicks with big smiles at the premiere of Constellation. (Also read: Since turning 25, Ananya Panday says she has become more responsible)
Photos (multiple
India Sign Hands shared a picture with X on Instagram and wrote, “Had a great time with Bollywood stars Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday at the premiere of Constellations in Mumbai.” I wrote. #Accessibility #Inclusion #SignLanguage #Movies #Movies. ”
They added, “We talked about creating theater and entertainment for #Deaf people and raising awareness about #DeafCommunity and #IndianSignLanguage. Their humility and honesty was truly inspiring. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors!”
Ananya and Aditya
In the picture, Aditya and Ananya are seen interacting with the team in casual attire. This is not the first time they have been spotted together, although both have refused to talk much about their relationship. The two have been spotted partying and going on vacation together in the past. On Valentine's Day, Ananya had shared a picture of herself playing cat in her car holding a red heart-shaped balloon and another picture of a bright sunflower. “It's my (heart emoji) day!!!” Big hug to everyone on Valentine's Day (hug emoji),” she wrote and shared the post. She also once said that she found Aditya “charming” in an episode of Koffee With Karan.
recent works
Ananya recently appeared in Netflix India's Ko Gaye Hum Kahan, a coming-of-age story also starring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gurav. She was praised for her performance in that film. She will soon be seen in Control and C Sankaran Nair's The Untold Story. Aditya was last seen in Gumla, the Hindi remake of the Tamil film Tadam, co-starring Mrunal Thakur. He will soon be starring in Metro… In Dino.
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