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When Benjamin Strasnik was nine years old, he was using a computer in his school library when he came across software that let him create websites without writing any code. “I was fascinated by it,” he recalls. “I spent the whole weekend on my parents' computer trying to figure it out.” This is just one example of the drive and commitment that led Benjamin to become the hugely successful founder and CEO of Shopify SEO agency GoldenWeb less than a decade ago. Benjamin's YouTube videos catch the attention of a major Slovenian mobile operator Benjamin, now 25, was born in…

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The secrets of Google’s algorithm are out! So, what (if anything) should you do? Is this the biggest news to hit the SEO industry ever? Google has had their first high-profile leak, courtesy of one of their very own engineers, and now SEOs are working all kinds of angles to leverage this new information. So, how juicy is it? Is all the hype justified? There’s a lot to unpack here, and you should certainly proceed with caution if some sort of SEO professional has flashy “leak secrets” for sale. Gyi and Conrad dig into the pile to explain how to…

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The Lost Ones was a long time coming. After a stint behind the scenes as Xenomania's resident drummer, Florrie burst onto the scene in the 2010s with a string of pop hits of her own. A star in the making. Then she was gone. Pop's fickle, whirlwind nature struck again. Not content to let her story end there, Florrie returned with her debut album, The Lost Ones. But this is not the Florrie we knew before. After setbacks, heartbreak and reflection, The Lost Ones feels a long way from the frenetic Left Too Late. But that's almost to the album's…

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The sun is out and the flowers in my garden are finally starting to bloom.Unfortunately, it also has a lot of weeds that can wreak havoc on flower beds and patios.Harriet Cook compared the effectiveness of the DIY weed killer to Roundup.Commercial weed killers aren't cheap at nearly £9 a bottle, so I decided to try a suitable alternative to get rid of weeds in my garden DIY, using things I already have in my cupboard – dishwashing detergent and vinegar.I also wanted to try an unconventional method of removing weeds with boiling water, even though I knew my neighbours…

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The phrase “The Warping” evokes ideas of metamorphosis, fluidity and distortion. Glaswegian five-piece Walt Disco's sophomore album explores profound questions of gender identity and self-conception across 12 tracks in what they call their “most biographical body of work to date.” While their 2022 debut, Unlearning, arrived armed with an already compelling and highly distinctive sound, The Warping pushes the boundaries even further. Orchestral flourishes of woodwinds, brass and strings elevate tracks like “Gnomes” and “Weeping Willow” to the heights of operatic grandeur, while other tracks feature groovy guitar lines and more industrial textures (“You Make Me Feel So Dumb” and…

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If you believe the conservative press, Kneecaps are a danger to society. They're a trio of balaclava-wearing scoundrels trying to tarnish Britain itself. Listening to their debut album, Fine Art, at times, you can imagine that their critics will gleefully double down on their anger. The album is peppered with sniffy lines and the wayward background noise of a wild night at the bar; one track is “Rhino Ket.” But take a step back (or, conversely, dive in fully), and Fine Art, as the title suggests, is a unique twist on the work. It's a fully immersive conceptual work, and…

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John Grant's genius lies in the way the 55-year-old splices together humour and pain, the levity of his music and the misery of his lyrics (and sometimes vice versa). Born into an intensely religious family where he was taught that homosexuality was a fast track to hell, much of his work since has worked through the resulting anguish, creating twisted magic from the wreckage. And on his sixth solo album, The Art Of The Lie, this duality is on full display. More than ever, the record is musically divided into two halves. There are twitchy “hits” – the '80s vocoder-heavy…

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As the digital landscape continues to evolve, 904 SEO King celebrates its 23rd year as a leading SEO consulting firm focused on transforming the online presence of local service businesses. With extensive experience and a proven track record of success, 904 SEO King continues to be at the forefront of digital marketing, driving growth and awareness for small businesses across a wide range of industries.904 SEO King has built an enduring reputation based on the principles of expertise, integrity, and results-driven strategies. Specializing in search engine optimization (SEO), the company offers a range of customized services designed to improve local…

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Whether you're currently renting, considering buying a home, settling into your permanent home, or just getting ready to move, a good book (or two) can be a helpful resource for sprucing up your living space. With rent and mortgages still expensive, consider using these books to help you tackle a few DIY projects and upgrade your abode. Renovating your home becomes easy when you have a few hours to explore the property “For the Love of Renovation” by Barry Broderon and Jordan Slocum (Union Square, $49.50). This book will guide you through the process of transforming your current home into…

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With search engine localization restricting many service-based businesses to their own geographic region, a new AI-based technology called Local Everywhere offers a way for such businesses to expand their reach.Bellevue, USA – June 12, 2024 — Local Everywhere is a new AI-driven technology designed to help service-based businesses, such as contractors, appear in local search results far beyond their physical location. Once a business is in an area, they can enter into the Local Everywhere app, which then creates case study content that is published across various platforms. For more information, visit Local Everywhere explains that search engine localization…

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