Who doesn't enjoy attending college? Many people start planning to attend college early. There's a lot of focus on what car you're going to take and how you're going to get there. (Topical topic) A shocking incident has come to light in Canada.
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A Canadian art student based in Calgary has discovered an easy way to avoid Vancouver's high rents. He flies from Calgary to Vancouver twice a week. The approximate cost of round-trip airfare to him is $150, which translates to a monthly expense of almost $1,200 (approximately Rs. 100,000). On the internet, a video of a conversation with News Vancouver, a local news channel, has become very popular.
The student said in the video that his monthly rent in Vancouver would be close to $25,000. Nevertheless, if he chooses to take the one-hour flight from Calgary to Vancouver twice a week, he will only pay $150 for round-trip airfare. “This is half the average rent for a one-bedroom in the city,” the student said in the video.
People started reacting to trending videos
As soon as this video went viral, people started reacting to it. Some people supported the student's choice, while others criticized it. One user said: “An hour of travel isn't that bad.” However, there is no point in going to the airport frequently. Another user commented: “Domestic flights from Calgary are always canceled due to the weather.”
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