“Reply 1997” is a daily life drama that first aired on July 24, 2012. The show will celebrate its 12th anniversary in 2024. It gained popularity for its portrayal of friendship, community, LGBTQ+, and more. Over a decade after its release, the show remains popular and beautifully depicts fan culture, camaraderie, and chosen family. Here are the top 5 friendship moments from “Reply 1997”.
5 friendship moments from Reply 1997 that will make you miss your friends
Cutting her hair into a short bob to show support to her friend
The drama's protagonist, Siwon, travels alone from Busan to Seoul to meet her favorite group, HOT, without telling her parents. When she returns, her parents are understandably angry and worried. Her enraged father cuts her hair into an unsuitable, messy style and makes her go to school in that outfit. On top of that, she is angry that her friend, Yoojung, lied to her. However, upon seeing Yoojung, she realizes that her friend also cut her hair out of camaraderie.
Hak Chan is that friend in any group who loves to tease and annoy his friends. He'll poke them from the back of the class, pinch them on the cheek, or just generally bully them. Even after being warned or beaten up countless times, he always finds the funniest ways to get attention.
Enjoying the most embarrassing moments
After losing a bet with Hakchan, Yunjae is forced to strip down to his underwear and do a somersault in front of everyone in the schoolyard. As Yunjae completes the task, Junhee and Hakchan laugh at him and make fun of his appearance to make him more embarrassed. When he is almost done with the somersault, the two friends quickly run away to avoid being hit by Yunjae.
Junhee's confession to Yoonjae
The incident takes place in the future, when the friends are in their 20s. While the friends reunite at a bar and enjoy a night out, Junhee confesses her feelings to Yoonjae. The two have been friends since childhood. Yoonjae is clearly shocked to find out, but accepts his friend for who he is and thanks him for his feelings. This sweet moment beautifully expressed their friendship.
Support and care for your friends
The five friends, Siwon, Yoonjae, Junhee, Hakchan, and Yujung, are always there for each other. Whether it's keeping secrets or comforting a friend, they are a supportive group of friends. Even if their kindness doesn't seem so obvious on the surface, they are always checking in and caring for each other.
Details of Reply 1997
The drama depicts the everyday lives of five high school friends living in Busan. Siwon is a huge fan of HOT and her school life is filled with friends who enjoy their music. These friends make every effort to see their idols live and meet them. In addition to this, it also depicts the dynamics of friendship shared between friends from the neighborhood who grew up together.
The story moves back and forth in time, creating a mystery as to which friend Siwon will ultimately marry.
The project is directed by Shin Won-ho, known for his work on “Reply 1988” and the “Hospital Playlist” series, and written by Lee Woo-jung and Kim Ran-ju, the three of whom also worked together on “Reply 1994.”
Jung Eun-ji, Seo In-guk, Lee Won-ho, Shin So-yul, Eun Ji-won and Lee Si-eon starred in the drama.