Jeon Jong-seo and Han So-hee are set to star together in the upcoming Korean drama “Project K,” which is scheduled to premiere later this year. The two Korean stars recently posted some candid photos on Instagram that garnered attention for all the wrong reasons. This time, Jong-seo responded to the “no seat belt” controversy.
Jeon Jong-seo and Han So-hee. (Image credit: Instagram)
actor Jeon Jong-seo He denied the “not wearing a seat belt” controversy that erupted following his latest photo with a co-star. Han So HeeJong-seo and Sohee to co-star in Korean drama Project K.
Jongseo posted several candid photos with Sohee on her Instagram on Tuesday. The photo, taken in a car with Sohee sitting in the driver's seat, attracted attention, with many people accusing Jongseo of not wearing a seat belt.
Jeon Jong-seo's explanation
Jung Seo later responded to the allegations by posting another photo to her Instagram story, showing a seat belt in a similar situation inside a car. “I had my seat belt on, don't worry,” she wrote in the message.
Jeon Jong-seo's explanation. (Image credit: Instagram)
It's common in the Korean entertainment industry for celebrities to face backlash and get into legal trouble over certain photos or videos on social media, and the K-pop idols and movie stars want to deal with any controversy as quickly as possible.
Starring Jeon Jong-seo and Han So-hee Project Y It's being billed as a noir drama and is due to premiere later this year.
Jeon Jong-seo is known for films such as: Ballerina, on fire, no big dealand callOutside of K-dramas Wedding is impossible and Money Heist: South Korea—Joint Economic ZoneShe played the role of Tokyo in the latter, which is the Korean version of the Spanish hit show. Money HeistShe will soon be appearing in a historical drama. Queen “Woo” Co-starring with Ji Chang Wook.
Meanwhile, Han So Hee has released the following hit songs: Still, My Name is Soundtrack #1and The world of couplesshe Keijo Creature The drama, starring Park Seo Joon, aired last year, and fans are eagerly awaiting season 2 due to its cliffhanger ending.